So, on with the update:

Here's a preview image from issue 2 of Team M.O.B.I.L.E I completed a few weeks back. The series is being launched shortly on the iPad by Rok Comics. It's produced by the same creative team as the first issue - John Freeman (writer), me (art), Kris Carter (colours), and Jim Campbell (letters). I'm working in good company in terms of comic industry Eagle Award nominees, with John nominated for Strip in the Favourite British Comics category, and Kris for Lou Scannon in the black and white category. FutureQuake which I contributed a strip to last year is also in the running in the same category. Jim Campbell of course has contributed his lettering skills to Strip amongst probably other nominated comics on the shortlists!
Ahead of its iPad release, there has been heaps of audiovisual work done on the first issue to produce an immersive experience. The theme tune can be heard by clicking on the sidebar to the right, and there is an interview with John which coincided with the recent Hi-Ex Comic Convention in Glasgow to shed more light on the project.
I have begun work on the cover for the third issue whilst the script is being finalised.
BBC Bitesize
I've completed an illustrated biography of a historical figure for the BBC Bitesize website which provides study aids for children and young adults about to sit there exams. I was pleased with the figure I was assigned as they have strong links with Manchester. The commission comprised of 27 illustrations in a widescreen format, and hopefully I'll be able to post some images on here once they are online.
Rising Stars
I'm currently working on illustrations for a couple of titles for Rising Stars, an award winning independent book publisher for the children's education sector. The illustrations will be A2 in size which is not something I've tackled before. My main worry is whether my computer will cope when I move on to the colouring stage in photoshop. I'm looking for any excuse to upgrade to a macbook!
Franklin Watts
I've just commenced initial work on a graphic novel for Franklin Watts as part of their reluctant reader series of books. Franklin Watts are part of Hachette, one of the major industry book publishers so it'll be a good opportunity to get my work in print with them.
A few other bits and bobs are in the pipeline. Hopefully be able to reveal more in the next update.